Then the learner is given a sentence with several options for a word or phrase, and the student chooses the correct option. In grammar lessons, the program firstly shows the learner several examples of a grammatical concept, and in some levels the word or words the learner should focus on are highlighted. Grammar lessons cover grammatical tense and grammatical mood. In writing exercises, the software provides an on-screen keyboard for the user to type characters that are not in the Latin alphabet. In another variation, the student completes a textual description of a photograph. A native speaker makes a statement that describes one of the photographs, and the statement is printed on the screen the student chooses the photograph that the speaker described. The number of images per screen varies.įor example, the software shows the student four photographs. In a Rosetta Stone Language Learning exercise, the student pairs sound or text to one of several images. 4.1.2 Mark Kaiser on the Russian course.4.1.1 Donald McRae on the German course.2.5.2 Rosetta Stone Language Learning Download.2.5.1 Rosetta Stone Language Learning CD-ROM.